Category: | Insurance agency, |
Address: | 462 Chestnut St, Columbia, PA 17512, USA |
Postal code: | 17512 |
Phone: | (717) 449-5432 |
Website: | |
KGS saved me a good amount of money monthly, while increasing my limits!
Specialties: KGS Insurance Agency LLC is an independent insurance agency committed to delivering the highest standard of excellence and establishing a strong relationship of mutual trust and service to each of our clients. Our experienced staff offers personal attention, full-time professional service, competitive pricing, and a broad range of insurance products to meet your individual needs.
Free and open company data on Pennsylvania (US) company KGS Insurance Agency LLC (company number 4153723), 115 Oakridge Drive, Mountville, PA, 17554
KGS Insurance Agency LLC company type is Limited Liability Company. Company Number assigned to this business is 4153723 and state of formation is Pennsylvania . This company business address is 115 Oakridge Drive Mountville PA 17554. You can find this business by geo coordinates: 40° 2' 11.3" N , 76° 25' 1.2" W.
KGS Insurance Agency LLC is an independent insurance agency committed to delivering the highest standard of excellence and establishing a strong relationship of mutual trust and service to each of our clients. Our experienced staff offers personal attention, full-time professional service, competitive pricing, and a broad range of insurance ...
Karen Seidenstricker is the primary contact at KGS Insurance Agency LLC. KGS Insurance Agency LLC generates approximately USD 139,577.00 in revenue annually, and employs around 2 people at this location.
Information about KGS Insurance Agency LLC in Columbia, review, site, email, 301 Linden St Unit 302, Columbia, PA 17512, USA, (717) 449-5432
Contact Kgs Insurance Agency Llc Agent Karen S Seidenstricker at 301 Linden St # 302, Columbia, PA 17512. This insurance agent, Karen S Seidenstricker, Officer is licensed in to sell insurance in PA, and provides insurance services within Columbia and throughout the rest of PA.
Get address, phone number, hours, reviews, photos, geolocation and more for KGS Insurance Agency LLC | 462 Chestnut St, Columbia, PA 17512, USA on
Kgs Insurance Agency LLC is a Pennsylvania Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed On December 20, 2012. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 4153723. The company's principal address is 115 Oakridge Drive, Mountville, Lancaster 17554.
KGS INSURANCE AGENCY LLC in Columbia is a company that specializes in Insurance Carriers, Nec. Our records show it was established in Pennsylvania. Company Address. 301 LINDEN ST STE 302 Columbia, Pennsylvania, 17512 . Phone Number (717) 449-5432 Call Now! Company Website.