Category: | Insurance agency, |
Address: | 5 W 10th St Ste 1, Tyrone, PA 16686, USA |
Postal code: | 16686 |
Phone: | (814) 682-7669 |
Website: | |
Monday: | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Tuesday: | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Wednesday: | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Thursday: | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Friday: | 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM |
Saturday: | Closed |
Sunday: | Closed |
Quality service, you can tell she cares about her clients
Having known Billie Jo for years I was very excited to learn she was opening her own business. I made sure to be her very first customer not only for personal home and auto but also business insurance. She is so efficient in her processes and the communication throughout was flawless. Even when the company contacted me and confused a few things Billie Jo jumped right in without hesitation and made sure things stayed smoothly. She certainly makes sure this is one aspect of day to day life that doesn't have to be a burden. With this experience being what it is it only leaves me with 2 questions: What took her so long to decide to do this and second, why are you still reading this review? Go call her and let her make your insurance life easier. Thank you Billie Jo!
Billie jo is a very great person that helps you out and can give you great quotes on insurance and is always working to help people out I highly recommend her as an insurance agent
Billie Jo Friday
Farmers Insurance
Billie J. Friday Agency | 5 West 10th Street, Tyrone, PA, 16686 |
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