Knights of Columbus

(2 Reviews)
25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA

(313) 382-3431

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Category: Insurance agency,
Address: 25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA
Postal code: 48146
Phone: (313) 382-3431

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (May 6, 2018, 12:21 am)

    Really great space and even better staff

  • (November 20, 2017, 3:42 pm)

    The staff here are such wonderful people.

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Photos of Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus | 25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA | Phone: (313) 382-3431
Knights of Columbus | 25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA | Phone: (313) 382-3431
Knights of Columbus | 25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA | Phone: (313) 382-3431
Knights of Columbus | 25160 W Outer Dr, Lincoln Park, MI 48146, USA | Phone: (313) 382-3431

Knights of Columbus On the Web

Knights of Columbus | Catholic Fraternal Organization

Knights of Columbus 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510 203-752-4000 Connect With #KOFC Who We Are Our Mission Our Faith Our History Supreme Officers About Membership Video Library What We Do Charity Insurance Invest Programs Scholarships Churchloan Get Involved Join Donate Find a Council Store College Councils Member Resources

Knights of Columbus - Wikipedia

The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a global Catholic fraternal service order founded by Michael J. McGivney on March 29, 1882. Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men. It is led by Patrick E. Kelly, the order's 14th Supreme Knight.. The organization was founded in March 1882 as a mutual benefit society for working-class and immigrant Catholics in the United States.

History of the Knights of Columbus - Wikipedia

The history of the Knights of Columbus begins with its founding in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney at St. Mary's Parish in New Haven, Connecticut.The Knights of Columbus was initially a mutual benefit society for a membership of practicing male Catholics. Today, it advocates for Catholic causes and provides a range of philanthropic and support services to Catholic institutions worldwide.

Who are the Knights of Columbus? |

The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a Catholic fraternal lay organization started in Connecticut in 1881. Father Michael J. McGivney wanted to provide a Catholic alternative to secret societies (such as Freemasonry) and to support the families of men who died while working in factories.The organization grew quickly as men were drawn to the ideals of serving the church and living with loyalty ...

Knights of Columbus: Standing on the Wrong Side of History, for a ...

In 1924, the Knights of Columbus commissioned and published a groundbreaking book by civil rights pioneer W.E.B. DuBois that promoted racial equality and documented the varied contributions of African Americans. According to the Knights, the organization was ahead of its time because "the ideal 'that all men are created equal' was more a philosophical statement than a practical reality for ...

I'm done with the Knights of Columbus - National Catholic Reporter

I'm done with the Knights of Columbus. U.S. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump look at a statue of the pope during a visit to the St. John Paul II National Shrine June 2 in ...

Knights of Columbus - OCCULT WORLD

The Knights of Columbus was the creation of Father Michael McGivney, an Irish-American Catholic priest in New Haven, Connecticut who saw the need for a men's fraternal order for Catholics. Most existing fraternal orders were formally condemned by the Vatican, which had extended its longtime rejection of Freemasonry to other secret societies ...

Knights of Columbus - Lake Orion | Council 4764

Our Mission. "The Michigan Knights of Columbus will foster the legacy of Fr.Michael J. McGivney to Serve the Church, build the Order and enrich our community.". On Oct. 2, 1881, a small group of men met in the basement of St. Mary's Church on Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut. They were called together by their 29-year-old parish ...

Knights of Columbus Sued for Fraud, Racketeering - Church Militant

The complaint suggests that the Knights of Columbus is beginning to suffer from this same demographic collapse: "While KC has earned on average less than 5% returns on its $22 billion invested ...

Welcome Knights! — South Dakota Knights of Columbus

Welcome to the South Dakota Knights of Columbus website. From our humble beginnings in 1903 with the chartering of Marquette Council 815 in Sioux Falls on October 22, 1903, Huron Council 779 on October 27, 1903, Aberdeen Council 820 on October 29, 1903 and Lead (Black Hills) Council 703 on December 6, 1903 we have grown to over 80 councils with 8,000+ members.