Category: | Insurance agency, |
Address: | 15200 Shady Grove Rd # 202, Rockville, MD 20850, USA |
Postal code: | 20850 |
Phone: | (301) 740-3545 |
Website: | |
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Commercial Veritas Title Partners delivers a complete roster of commercial escrow services. As an independent company, Veritas has the flexibility to draw on its national underwriter relationships for creative title solutions.
Free and open company data on Virginia (US) company Veritas Title, LLC (company number T0328429), 14239 PARK CENTER DR STE 100, LAUREL, Maryland, 20707-0000
Mailing address is Veritas Title, Llc 13501 Gum Spring Drive Rockville Md 20850. You can find this business by geo coordinates: 39° 6' 16.7" N , 77° 11' 28.4" W. Veritas Title, Llc was incorporated on Thursday 24th March 2005, so this company age is seventeen years, seven months and twenty-six days.
Free and open company data on Maryland (US) company VERITAS TITLE, LLC (company number W10536357), SUITE 202, 15200 SHADY GROVE ROAD, ROCKVILLE, MD, 208503218
Veritas Title, LLC. Veritas Title, LLC (Entity ID: T0328429) was incorporated on 2006-12-21 in Virginia. Their business is recorded as llc. The Company's current operating status is INACTIVE. Company Info Entity ID: T0328429. Entity Name: Veritas Title, LLC. Formation Date: 2006-12-21. State of Incorpration: ...
Veritas Title LLC is located at 15200 Shady Grove Rd # 202, Rockville, MD 20850. Q5. Is there a primary contact for Veritas Title LLC? You can contact Veritas Title LLC by phone using number (301) 740-3545. Q6. Are there other contacts associated with Veritas Title LLC?
Find information on Veritas Title LLC, including this business' SIC code(s), NAICS code(s) and General Liabilility Class code(s). Veritas Title LLC is primarily engaged in Real Estate. Veritas Title LLC is located at 522 Highway 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816. If your looking for Real Estate in East Brunswick, New Jersey - check out Veritas Title LLC.
Veritas Title, Llc was created on Thursday 21st December 2006, so this company age is fifteen years, ten months and twenty-eight days. Company status is currently Canceled. Veritas Title, Llc agent is Steven J Blizzard. This agent address is 10201 Fairfax Boulevard Suite 160 Fairfax Va 22030 Fairfax City (Filed In Fairfax County) 303.
Veritas Title, LLC (Customer# T0328429) is a business incorporated with Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC), Clerk's Information System (CIS). The business incorporation date is December 21, 2006.
Veritas Title LLC is a Louisiana Limited-Liability Company filed on April 11, 2006. The company's filing status is listed as Inactive - Voluntary Action and its File Number is 36161175K. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Joseph Hart Garbarino and is located at 107 Bradbury Crossing, Lafayette, LA 70508. The company's principal ...