Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC

(3 Reviews)
P O Box 1859, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA

(866) 925-6288

Contact and Address

Category: Insurance agency,
Address: P O Box 1859, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA
Postal code: 95677
Phone: (866) 925-6288

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Most Recent Reviews

  • (August 26, 2019, 4:28 pm)

    Natalie Grand is a very knowledgeable honest brokerage that helped our business in so many ways. She has many products and explains everything to how a policy is audited, ratings and coverages. She is really good a getting certs out to my clients and knowing the verbage they want. My last agent couldn't figure out the waiver of subrogations and primary wording my client needed for sign contractor jobs.

  • (August 9, 2018, 12:39 pm)

    If you want an agent that will go above and beyond what is asked of her Natalie is the one for you. My company was referred Natalie by a fellow contractor that has used her for years. Our previous agent would take days sometimes an entire week to respond to an email. We were in the market for a new company and we are so happy we were referred Natalie.

    Initial Contact:
    When we first reached out to Natalie about getting insurance using her services she was very nice and helpful. She asked that we give her about two days to gather all the pricing that fit what we needed. She got us a great rate and suggested commercial insurance which was a lot cheaper than what we were currently paying for auto insurance. This was the first experience we had with her going above and beyond what was asked of her

    When we have a question or need anything she responds extremely fast. Most of the time it's with in an hour or two. Even if we email her in the night assuming she will respond in the morning, she responds that night. Our best form of communication with our company is email and Natalie is the best with email communication.

    Customer Service:
    Natalie is always very warm in her responses. Doesn't matter what time of day or what the question is about she responds with sincerity.

    Major Scare:
    We had a major scare when we were notified that our commercial insurance policy as canceled. There was a mix up with in our company with our previous accountant with setting up automatic payments. Fast forward to us being notified there was never a payment made and we were cut off. Natalie was super woman for us. She literally stayed up all night and all day helping us fight to get it reinstated. She gave very detailed instructions on what needed to be filled out, faxed, signed, emailed, etc. She was not giving up till she helped us. She saved us a tone of money and headache trying to get another commercial insurance. Words can't even describe how thankful we are for all her efforts.

    I highly recommend using this company for your insurance needs!!!!!

    Thank you again for everything Natalie!

  • (April 25, 2018, 2:12 pm)

    Wonderful experience. She helped me find the best rates for my office. Thank you so much!

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Photos of Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC | P O Box 1859, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA | Phone: (866) 925-6288
Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC | P O Box 1859, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA | Phone: (866) 925-6288

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC On the Web

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage Company Profile | Management and ...

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC. Williams Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC. Contractor Insurance Brokerage. Williams Commercial Insurance Service. Revenue. $242 K. Employees. 2. Founded. 2008. Primary Industries. Insurance. Funding History. Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage raised a total of $22 K in funding over 1 rounds.

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC - Overview, Competitors, and ...

View Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC location in California, United States, revenue, competitors and contact information. Find and reach Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC's employees by department, seniority, title, and much more. Product About Create Free Account.


GRAND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BROKERAGE LLC is a Limited Liability Company(LLC) located at rocklin, CA with 2 employees. During round 1 of the paycheck protection program, GRAND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BROKERAGE LLC requested a PPP loan for 21300 USD. They were approved on 04/15/202004/15/2020

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC - Rocklin - Alignable

2 local business owners recommend Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC. Visit this page to learn about the business and what locals in Rocklin have to say.


Free and open company data on California (US) company GRAND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BROKERAGE LLC (company number 200900510001), 4033 AITKEN DAIRY RD, ROCKLIN, 95677. Learn how to leverage transparent company data at scale. Subscribe to our emails. The Open Database Of The Corporate World.


Free Business profile for GRAND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BROKERAGE LLC at 4033 Aitken Dairy Rd, Rocklin, CA, 95677-4027, US. GRAND COMMERCIAL INSURANCE BROKERAGE LLC specializes in: Insurance Agents, Brokers, and Service.

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC - Company Profile

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC Overview. Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC filed as a Domestic in the State of California on Monday, December 29, 2008 and is approximately fourteen years old, as recorded in documents filed with California Secretary of State.

Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC

Get address, phone number, hours, reviews, photos, geolocation and more for Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC | P O Box 1859, Rocklin, CA 95677, USA on


Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC is a California Limited-Liability Company - Ca filed On December 29, 2008. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 200900510001. The addresses and contacts on this webpage are hidden from the general public at the instruction of the company.

Business Profile for Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC

Business Profile for Grand Commercial Insurance Brokerage LLC. Insurance Companies. At-a-glance. Contact Information. PO Box 1859. Rocklin, CA 95677-7859. Visit Website. Email this Business