Category: | Insurance agency, |
Address: | PO Box 2327, La Habra, CA 90632, USA |
Postal code: | 90632 |
Phone: | (562) 697-2035 |
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Free and open company data on California (US) company BUTLER REGULATORY CONSULTANTS, INC (company number C1481174), 1216 NORTH CITRUS DR LA HABRA HEIGHTS CA 90631
BUTLER REGULATORY CONSULTANTS, INC was registered on 04 May 1990 as DOMESTIC STOCK company type incorporated at 1216 NORTH CITRUS DR LA HABRA HEIGHTS CA 90631. The agent name of this company is: DORIS BUTLER ,and company's status is DISSOLVED. The jurisdiction of this company is CA. Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc it has been 32 years 4 ...
Find all the information for Butler Regulatory Consultants Inc on MerchantCircle. Call: 562-697-2035, get directions to Po Box 2327, la Habra, CA, 90632, company website, reviews, ratings, and more!
Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc is a California Stock Corporation - Ca - General filed on May 4, 1990. The company's filing status is listed as Terminated and its File Number is 1481174. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Doris Butler and is located at 1216 North Cirtus Dr., La Habra Heights, CA 90631. The company's principal ...
Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc Overview. Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc filed as an Articles of Incorporation in the State of California and is no longer active.This corporate entity was filed approximately thirty-one years ago on Friday, May 4, 1990 as recorded in documents filed with California Secretary of State.
BUTLER REGULATORY CONSULTANTS, INC was incorporated on 04 May 1990 as DOMESTIC STOCK company type registered at 1216 NORTH CITRUS DR LA HABRA HEIGHTS CA 90631. The jurisdiction for this domestic stock company is California. The agent name of this company is: DORIS BUTLER ,and company's status is listed as DISSOLVED.
To access your free listing please call 1(833)467-7270 to verify you're the business owner or authorized representative.
SILA P.O. Box 498, Zionsville, IN 46077-0498 Phone: 800-428-8329 Fax: 866-253-6026 Email:
President at Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc. La Habra, California, United States. 19 connections. Join to connect Butler Regulatory Consultants, Inc. Report this profile ...
Insurance Consultants & Analysts, Po Box 2327, La Habra, CA 90632, Tel. (562) 697-2035